September 2016 archive

Literary Response

Here are some ways Melody has changed in “Out of my Mind.” First, Melody’s new puppy Butterscotch was as happy as a 5 year old kid who got money on their birthday. “When he set it on the floor in front of me, out exploded a flash of wiggling gold fun. A puppy!” Without a doubt, Melody was so happy when she got to go to a regular classroom like a baby bird who learned how to fly. “But these classes were supposed to give kids like me a chance to interact with what everyone else calls normal students.” To tell you the truth, Melody drives in her new wheelchair like a happy,happy kid. “The wheels are almost like car tires,which makes the ride smooth and easy.” And these are some ways Melody has changed in “Out of my Mind.”

Sharon Draper’s Writing

These are some decisions Sharon Draper made when writing “Out of My Mind”. I can picture everything so clearly because the book is so descriptive. I love how humorous the book was it made me laugh lot. I also like how she helps us hear the character’s voice so clearly in our head. I love how awesome the book was. I keep wanting to read the book. These are some decisions Sharon Draper made. It is so cool.