Colonial Life
My job in the colonial days was a colonial potter. We made bowls, mugs and, jugs. making the pots required clay. Us potters often use the same clay as a brick maker. We clean the clay and added sand to temper it and to make it stronger. The potters sit the clay down for a time to age. When they are ready to “throw” the pots, the potters would work the clay to get any air bubbles out. Potters would press the wheels foot to make it spin. We use our thumbs to make a hollow in the middle of the clay. Potters use molds to make spouts, handles, buttons and, pipes. Each pot had to dry before firing it in the kiln. A kiln is a furnace for firing pottery. When the piece was baked it had to dry slowly so it does not crack. That’s how I woprk at my job.